Saturday, December 26, 2009
A other Christmas is gone with many memories. My festivities started Dec 23 with the house on the pairie outing.It was great, sitting on the wagon and riding through the country on to the little house.It was cold. Freezing cold, but when we arrived at the house there where two fires going. On for the stew and hot cocoa and a great big camp fire. I enjoyed every minute. I am alway,s afraid for cold hands and feet, but it was toasty warm out side. David sure made memories.I hope he will do this now every year.Then Dec 24 eve we had our Christmas at Nancy.Every thing was great. Foo, company and the games with the gifts. Lots of fun. I told the family I do not want any gifts. I just like to see them together. They are such a great bunch. But the came up with some gifts for me that they made, And I am flabbergast.My Granddaughters gave me a picture with the whole family in it. They used out faces and put them in characters of the movies. What a conservation piece.Also got beautiful pictures of my great grand children.The my grand daughter Anna gave me for the thirth year in a row a book of pictures of her children and me, plus my fam. and friends are in it.I am getting a nice library.From the time I have been alone Evie had me over for Christmas breakfast. So I have seen the boy growing up and having fun on Christmas morning.Later the wife's where there and now the great grand children. What a joy to see, The best joy was to see Evie and Jim enjoying the little ones.This is again a memory, to look back later and remember the good times.I had planned the afternoon of Dec 25 to go to Nancy and family. But that turned out different.They had to bring there son Jeff to the hospital with stomach pains. I hope things will turn out for the better. So you never know what is going to happen.But you make plans and sometime we have to change. I listen to the news and many people had to change there plans because of weather conditions. Special in the middle of our country. Making memories is normal living and living normal.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The theme for a winter party on Dec. 23, organized by my grandson.Campfire, good food and great company. For ages 10 months to in the 80.What a break from the pressures of the Holidays.This is what get together should be.Caring and Love for one a other and nature.We do not have to see the glitter in the stores. Glitter is all over in nature. Learn to look for it. You see glitter in the snow, the eye of the animals. The running water in the creek.The berries on the bushes. The sound of the wind,the movement of the branches. Not the windows of the stores,the window you see outside when you walk,sled our ski. Appreciate nature, it is free to see, smell and touch.
Monday, December 14, 2009
December Birthdays.
Yes this is not the best month to have Birthdays. There is always so much going on that the Birthdays in December go by the way side. Try not. One of my daughters is December 27. It would have been December 25, but the Dr. told me not to come in, because he want to be with his children. By the way he had eight. His name was Dr. schultz.Well I listen and did go to the hospital the 26 of Dec.Louise was born early the 27. We always made it a special day for her. She got her presents for her Birthday. Not like I know some people combined the two days. Then my first grandchild was born December 2. Not as bad as the 27the.What did my grandson do , his daughter was born the 16 of December.They live in Boston so Molly has to wait until they come home for the Holidays.Confusing ? Yes. You like to spoil them on there day. I know her parents will make a good day for her, but it would be nice to share that with them. I would like Molly to know that her great Grandmother will think of her that day special . Happy second Birthday Mo;;y.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
This morning I decided to go shopping. I had a gift from BonTon of 15 dollars. I also got in the mail a coupon and in the store you have to find if you won anything. When I at BonTon put my ticket in the machine I won 5 dollars. So 20.00 dollars to spend. It can be on sale but not a special sale. I had a heck of a time to find something. You also had to spend the 20.00 dollars before Dec. 24. But I did it. I found the most beautiful sweater. Black with some decorations and knitted sleeves.So that is all the shopping I am going to do before Christmas. In a little while I am going to have company from a friend. I have to help her making Christmas stockings for some of her little friends. So it looks like a other good day.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The once a month get together.
Today was our special once a month visit. Years ago I would spend the day with my daughters out shopping. They where teens our early twenties. After all day out we would meet my husband in a fancy place to eat. He would take care of the bill.So after he was gone I took over and payed for dinner. We always had a great time. Just like it was when they where home. Today it was that day. And I decided to stay all day at my house and I did the cooking.We had a real good time. Time to open up your feelings and love.The day was not with out a few problems. I had a quilted table cloth on the table. I think Nancy was so exited that she spilled her coffee twice. Later Louise could not find her mouth and spilled her wine.Then I got clumsy and spilled some of my wine.We had a good laugh about it. The sun was out all day and we made memories again. Take time out to show your love and caring. This is what the Holidays are all about.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
What a day!
Yesterday Dec. 9 I went on a trip to Cambridge Pennsylvania We started out with slippery roads. After a few miles we saw several cars in the ditch.Our bus driver told us to stay in our seats,because there where wind gusts of 70 miles reported. When we where past Buffalo, going south it was awful. We saw cars and trucks turned over. At one place we saw four trucks next to one and other laying turned over. We also saw a train turned over. What a trip. That shows you in our big country how the weather changes.No snow just wind. We arrived at the Riverside Inn Dinner Theater around noon. We had a wonder full dinner, Home style. Then we saw a Christmas story " The Bench". It was great.We left to go home around four p.m.It snowed a little on the way, but a good trip homeward. I was home around 9 p.m.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Yes we had Sinterklaas in my town.Surprise,surprise he came at my house.I think He does not like to forget anyone. My Grandchildren and Great grandchildren showed up. Sinterklaas had brought something for me at there homes.Then my Son in law James made a special dinner for me. Chinese with home made bread. Well there was a little problem. I do not know how many people know. But thanks to Hitler I lost all my teeth in my 20 the , I have some in plants but there is not always a guarantee. So I took a bite at the great rye bread and felt something in my mouth. There was one of my front teeth in my mouth loose.So that was my Sinterklaas ending. But kids and Jim you went out your way. I will remember those days and look forward to what is next.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Face Book.
To all my face book friends. This morning I had a friend over to help me with face book. We worked on it for a couple of hours and then we decided stop the whole face book. My computer is to slow. We got more up set by the minute,I still like to be your friend,but I hope you understand.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
A full day.
Yesterday I had a full day taking care of ME. I left the house in the morning at 9.30 and drove to Lakeville for my exercise in the pool. 45 minutes and then 15 minutes in the hot tub.Showered and dressed and the on the treadmill and other machines. Got done at noon and went in Lakeville for lunch. At 1.3o I was back for one hour Silver sneakers.At 3.00 in the afternoon I visit a very sick friend of me. We sat and talked for a long time. By the time I got home it was 5.30 and it was dark. At almost 83 years old not a bad day he.After this writing I go on my treadmill and then in the afternoon to a friends house for our monthly cards playing. And then tomorrow I plan to have the same day then yesterday. I do the exercise twice a week. And my plan again is on my Birthday to go in the hot, hot tub by my daughter. This is outside and winter weather on January12.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
December 5.
So Thanksgiving is over and we wait for the next Holiday. For me that is Dec. 5. Sinterklaas is coming.Years ago a Bishop called Sinterklaas came from Spain to help the poor.Some say he came with the boat and others say he was on a white horse. Whatever he came op North and helped out by giving people who did not have much .So trough the years he was celebrated for all the good he did.So on December 5 all the kids would put their wooden shoes by the fire place. Then they put some straw and carrots for the horse in the shoes. Then on the morning of December 6 Sinterklaas has been there and left gifts for the children, Small gifts and some candy.The first years that we were in the father in law would stop by an knocked on the door and a black hand would come around the door and he would trow candy on the floor for my girls.Through the years I have tryed to keep op the tradition, but slowly less and less. One of my daughters has kept it up with her family. Then in the last years we have a new family member. A granddaughter in law. She has been very interested in traditions. They have children now and I hope that some of my memories will go on. I wrote that my father in law had a black hand. This was because Sinterklaas had a helper and he was called black Piet.In those years the Netherlands did not have black people. So he was scary.I also remember about ten years ago. I was working that day in the hospital.When I came home I got ready for the evening and never saw that something was different until the next morning. Under my Christmas tree where gifts. Some candy, gifts and a beautiful box and a few other things.Who was in my house when I was not home. Finally I knew who had been there. Sinterklaas.My grand daughters had surprised me. I still like to believe it was Sinterklaas. It is so good to know that my memories are being past on.
Friday, November 20, 2009
The meaning of Thanksgiving.
I know that Thanksgiving was a special day for the Indians to give thanks for the food they grown that summer.But Thanksgiving can have different feeling for different people. For me it means thanks for the many things trough the years, The thanks keeps on growing.My early years in life had many turns.My Dad was a hard worker and we where taking care of.My parents where loving but the burden grow more and more for them.Between 1923 and 1935 they had five children. The the war of 1940 started and every year it was harder for my parents to feed and dress us.My teens where gone. You lived from day to day.Then in 1949 my husband and I moved to the U.S.A.No money and no work. It was hard in the early years. The best thing was we had great love for one and other.That kept us going.Our lives got better and better. We lived very careful . I remember the first Thanksgiving by my in laws.It was a feast to see.But when I look back at some pictures from that time. How poor and homey we looked. But I never in my life seen a table like that.Through the years I learned to put on a Thanksgiving meal. Not always on Thanksgiving, but that did not matter, as long as we did get to enjoy a feast. I look back how happy my husband was to see them all around the table.So my Thanksgiving is now memories. They are good ones and I treasure them.But I do miss the old days and every year I miss my partner more and more.But life goes on. You have to, but again I will say I do have a lot to be Thankful for.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Who need men?
Not us.My treadmill has not been working this summer. Well I have it for many years and wonder if this is the end. But I began to screw around with the treadmill until every thing was exposed.Then I wondered what now. So I ask Brandon, my gym teacher and he said it might be a fuse.So got my manual out and looked and could not find a fuse. Brought my manual to Kirkwoods and hope a man would tell me, All there was where woman. And I said I am sorry but I need a man. Then one of the girls said mabey I can help. So she got on the computer to look for parts and then two girl decided they would go home with me and see.It was less then 5 minutes and my treadmill was working again. I never say it again I need a man. Woman can do us much and in some ways more then men. But please do not tell them.From the time I have been alone I do a lot my self, but I also know that if my husband was alive I would let him do a lot more. Somehow that manhood makes them feel good.I say hooray for woman.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A little dirty joke,
One of my neighbors was in his yard looking at his tomato's. They where big like a bowling ball. The other neighbors said how did you do that. He said every night I go outside and flash them. So all the neighbors did it and yes big tomato's Then a lady came by and looked , and looked and said how did you all get them so big. And they all said we flashed. So the next day the lady came back and said nothing happened to her tomato's,but her cucumbers where three feet long.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
What a week.
Great weather, all week. I can not believe it. This is November. All my work is done outside.Yesterday I trimmed the clymatis and trumpet vine. I think that is all I can do until next spring.I would love to plant some tulips, but I have chipmunks around my house and they love the bulbs.What is so great about this weather? I went to the store and ran in several people I knew. Here we are standing out side talking with out a coat on. Like I said this is November. I remember a Nov. 7 , 56 years ago. Nancy's birthday and we had snow, and snow you could not look over it. This was Nancy's day and no one could come over for her party. The family where only a blog away.So let us enjoy this weather, there must be changes on our way.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Today I have to brag. We went out for lunch with the whole family for Nancy's retirement. And I am so proud of Anna and Dave how there kids where behaving. I have never seen kids so nice and well behaved. Anna is a staying home Mom. But it shows in the children.Lucy you are a sweet hearth and Freddy the way you look at me it is like your Dad was looking at me. Your eyes tell me every thing. You melt my hearth. I can not wait until you move to Egan road. You bring life to this area.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Suprise wheather.
This afternoon I came out of my exercise class and there was a dark sky.So I rode in to it and had the first taste of winter. First it rained,then it hailed, and did it hail. I was afraid it would hurt the windows. I rode carefully, but could not see much.The sides of the road were white and the road started to get slippery.By the time I was almost home it snowed a little. But nothing on the grass.My first taste of winter. Tomorrow the sun will shine and better weather. It has to be, that is my day with Nancy.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A Day in Thea's live.
This morning after breakfast I left for shopping. I had to pick up David Birthday present.They called and said it was ready.By the time I came home I got lunch ready for Kim and me. After lunch Kim fixed my computer and put my pictures from the camera on it.My computer is so slow that we did not get every thing done. I am taking my computer some evening to Kim's apartment.I had to get Kim out of the house on time so I could pick up one of my friends and go to a other friend to play cards.After that I went to see a sick friend of me.So finally I got home and there where several phone calls. I have not answered them jet. I first go and get me some supper. The evening is long and dark. Good time for calling.Hopefully tomorrow I have a other good day.While I was on the computer a e mail came in from my sister in law. My older brothers widow.It is so good to hear from her. She is a smart lady and her letters are interesting. We both have health problems, but our minds are still good. So a nice conversation by mail. So that is one day in my live.Exciting?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Genesee Valley Orchestra and Chorus.
Tonight Jim and I went to Evie's concert. It was excellent.They played Cherubini Symphony in D Major.45 minutes of labored playing. It was great. Then the chorus and orchestra played Requiem in C minor. A hour and a half of wonderful music. I told Evie I will be laying in bed tonight and still see her playing. I have seen many concert from her, but this one was close to the top.Starting with her concerts in her fourth grade of grade school, I am so proud of her trough all the years , and so would her Dad. I took a picture of her and will post it soon.Her and her violin.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tomorrow is Halloween and I had already my fun. Yesterday at the gym I dressed up with a black curley wig. We had so much fun. Today I had my pumpkins on and dressed a little for our Friday luncheon. No one did anything. Am I the only NUT. Tomorrow I have a shower luncheon at the Lima Country Club. It is Mary first grandchild.Then over to Evie for a Halloween party for the little kids. Jim is gone for a couple days, so I think just my little family. Then next Friday Nov. 6 I am taking Nancy out for the day. The next day is her birthday and a special day with Mom. Then Saterday Nov. 7 we are all going out for Nans new live. She is not working anymore and now has time to do the fun things in live. So this is a normal week for me. I am kidding, but it is fun to have some plans. Joe put yesterday a folding door in my new bathroom. I tryed it last night and I had with the heat lamps a wonderful shower. I can sit our stand and let the water running.So this is the live in our town.
Monday, October 26, 2009
What a wonderful day.
What a great day to be outside.I worked from 10.30 until 4.00 p.m. out side. The sun was shining and the temp. in the 60. I cut al my fancy grasses and cut it all to pieces. What a job, but now they are ready for next spring.I also cut the falling leaves and every thing looks clean and green,Then I took care of my grounhog, He will not leave me alone. First I got rid of the big stones that he had trown out the ground, then I hamered big logs in to the hole.On top of that more logs hamered in the ground and toped it with al the dirt that he had trown out. What a mess. I sure hope that he can not open that hole again. We see.Yesterday I brought David counted cross stitch to Joannes and it will be ready in 2 weeks.So I did a lot and it feels good, even my back is killing me. Tomorow a other great weather day and I am sure going to make use of it.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Different Times.
Today I wrote a long letter to my brother. I was bringing up how the times are so different then when I was a teenager.I was telling him that the weather was bad here today and that I felt a little sorry for my self. You are alone and you have to keep up you spirits. And then I was thinking back at my Grandmother [Beppe Trien]. She lived in a small town. Did not have a phone our T.V.. Video's our tapes. Not even a radio. She had her Bible and love to read. She was a great cook. I remember her red cabbage and her slow cooked meat. She always had koek by the coffee . But I wonder what went on in her mind. Her husband died in his 60.the. My mother was good to her en visit her as often as she could. But she had five children and special in the war she had her hands full.I do not understand why I am not happier then they where.I have every thing that suppose makes you happy. I think I get to know what is going on. Your mind is doing it. If we tell ourselves that all the things make you happy, it does not. I miss my walking, but you go outside and look at nature the you start to think different.I look out my windows and see nature it makes you stop and think. It is so beautiful and peaceful. So times are different but nature is the same. Not all the material things make you happy,Loving nature and family that is the answer.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Double Birthdays.
Last night we had double Birthday for for Kim and Kristy.We celebrated it at Kim's apartment.Joe made the food and Nancy the cake. Also Nick had a cake for Kris in London. Kris was with us all evening and we shared lots of laughs and love. Kris had her 30 the birthday and Kim had two years more.The gift where also unique. Kris gave Kim a book with a story of Kim and also her picture in a character. It was so funny.It was so great to share a moment that is special with Nan and Joe's little family.This is what family is all about. Sharing.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
A new bathroom.
Yes I am having a new bathroom put in.They have been working now for two days and it looks great. We do not think of it when you are young, but when you get older somehow your body works not like it use to be. You have to hold on more and watch for slippery floors. When you are young you have that balance, somehow that leaves you to.When I look at my little ones I am amazed at how flexible they are. Also when you are older you have to work on your mind. Keep being interested in every thing. I said before I feel I am a lot alike my grand mother. My mothers mother. [Beppe].I always was amazed how interesting she was to talk to. She kept up with the times. I do not remember her talking a lot about years ago. She was interested in the medical field, and so was I, or I am still. But again I can not do the things like I use to do.BUT I am willing to do what I can and help people. You are never to old for that, our to listen to someone.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Yes my Leprechaun"s went to sleep for the winter. Yesterday a beautiful sunny fall day and I dicided to give them all a bath and put them to sleep. I have many of them and did not bother to count them. So if someone comes over and steal some I would not know. I just love them. This is something that grew on me years ago when I was a little girl. I had a Uncle and Aunt , a brother of my father, living in a town called Veenhuizen. As a little girl I remember my parents taking me to see them and later I rode the bike and visit them. The town mostly survived because of a big prison there. My Uncle was a police there. They had a nice big house and in there yard was a little Leprechaun.It wore a red hat and a blue jacket. Just the color and the facial expression made me love him.So realy my love for them goes back a long time. So I threat them with respect. So if someone wants to steel them, go ahead I am glad that they love them to. Funny how little thing stay with you through your live. Next spring ,our this winter I will paint them with fresh paint and enjoy them a other summer.And so fly the seasons by and we are getting older also. But I am so glad I still can enjoy the little things of live. Today I did some painting. I made a card for a baby that is due January 11;2010.Also in the last weeks I knitted a sweater, pants and booties for the baby. The shower is Oct. 31.halloween day. So I am still productive.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A Painted Canvas.
Yes that is what I saw yesterday. I went for the day to the Adirondacks to see the color change in the mountains. We left at 6 in the morning and came back 9 in the evening. The colors where at the peek.I took pictures and enjoyed every thing.We had a boat trip of 2 hours and a 2 hour train trip. So we saw the colors in different ways.I wish I had time and a canvas. The reds, yellows and the orange, and then sticking out the tall green pines. The temp. was 34 degree and we had a snow storm. But nothing took away the joy of the sight we saw.The reflection in the water was just beautiful. We also saw some Loon's diving in the water. It was a day to remember this winter. Some day I take my computer to Kim and hope to put some nature pictures with it. My painted Canvas.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
What fun.
Yes what fun it was last night. We all had a great time and thanks to Anna great food. I still see Lucy rolling part of a tree down the hill and then try to get it back up the hill.Sorry David was sweating, he has to work so hard, but grandma does not feel sorry for you. You wanted the do that. When he was 3 years old Grandma and he went in the woods, and David we have great memories of that. You helped me then and you are still helping me now.Sorry the cop stopped you after wards when you drove home. Send me the bill. The evening was it all worth to me.Kim, Dave and Anna you are tops. Sorry Freddy had to get sick, but he was so good.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Fall 2009.
A beautiful fall day. This morning a ride to Canandaqua. The colors are coming and every thing is so peaceful Temperature the best. I took one of my friends to the hospital for a mamogram, a nice talk on the way and a wonderful feeling to be able to help someone. Now I am getting ready for my little ones. Kim, Dave and Anna , they are not little but they are bringing my sweetie pies. Dave is going to cut a tree. Kim is going to wash windows that are to high for me and Anna is bringing supper. And I can enjoy every one. What a life. Some time I wonder if I deserve all this help and love. But sure I am taking it. Family is every thing to me and I have a great family.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Ocean City Trip.
Our trip started from Mumford N.Y. to Ocean City. 570 Miles. We arrived there about 5 p.m.. We where about a halve block from the board walk.The weather was 80 plus. My first thing was to walk through the sand to the beach. Beautiful. Then dinner and dancing at the Clarion. Next day we visit Nassau Valley Vineyards. The first and only winery in Dalaware. Also wine tasting. Then Discover Sea Shipwreck Museum. At night a Crab feast dinner buffet. Day 3 a cruise to Assateaque Island to see the wild ponies.After the cruise to the board walk. Lots of good food and shops.Chicken and Ribs dinner. Day 4 We went to see N.A.S.A. Wallop's Flight Facility . Virginia. Sounding Rockets Program, the Scientific Rockets program, the Scientific Balloon Projects and the Orbital Tracking Station.Very interesting. After that we went to Assateaque Island to see and touch the wild ponies, plus all the wild life that was there to see.For dinner that night I had Ocean Flounder.Day 5 Walked the beach for the last time and then the way home. 570 miles.Had a great time and met great people.
The White House, Washington.
Today I recieved a letter from the White House. A answer on my question.This is just for the record that I write this. It shows you that if you want to know something there is a way.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday Lunch.
Yesterday was my weekly lunch with the Ladies. But Granny had also a little lady by the name Lucy. I was so proud of her she behaved and she was funny. The other four Ladies do not have Great Grandchildren and so they do not have the same feeling. Also little Freddy came over a while. He loved my ear rings and glasses. It is a joy to see him develop normal. Thank you kids for letting me enjoy your children.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A special date for some people. It does not happen often 9-9-09. Today is Evie and Jim 37 wedding anniversary. But because of all the 9 I want to make it public. Also 9-11 is coming up and I hope that we all do remember all the life's that where lost.Stand still and remember all those families that lost a love one.And do not forget to put the flag out. It will give you a moment to remember.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Nice summer weather.
What a great Holiday weekend weather we finely have. This has been a add summer but we are still enjoying this nice weather. But my brother in the Netherlands said that there it is the same to hot our rain and cold. There must be some truth to the change of our world. Jimmy and July where over yesterday afternoon with Molly. It so good to see them, I hope they come closer soon. Jim is waiting for the home prices to go up, but some time you just have to break and do what you want to do.By the end of the week Nan and Joe are going to Cape Cod and next week I am going to Ocean City.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Helping Friends.
Today was a great day. Jim and Evie had a chicken wing contest and they had close to 80 or more people.I brought two of my friends. One has a big health problem, but she so apriciate if you do something for her. And to see her talk to people and smile makes you feel good. In the coming weeks I have to drive to the Dr. for 3 friends. They do not have a car anymore our they are not able to drive on main roads. Medication is also a problem. I am so glad that I can do what I do.And also can help my friends. The party was great and it is so nice to keep in contact with family and friends Jim and David and family are the tops. Always willing to talk and help. Kim had better things to do. She got a new black hybrid car ,you can not hear that car run. Also you do not need anymore a key.Good luck Kim, your grandma is proud of you.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
108 Years ago.
That was on August 30 the day that my Dad was born.He has been always very special to me. Being the only girl with four boys in the family I think I was always special in his eyes. I have many fond memories of him. He was a simple man. When I was a small child my dad was a carpenter,later doing road work.AfterW WII he started his own business.I had a little savings and he ask if he could start with it So heslowly build his own work in contracting, making roads in the Netherlands. By that time I had left the Netherlands for the U.S.A.But after four years in the Country he came over to see how we are doing. He offert my husband to come back and work for him.But we where to proud, we wanted to make it ourselves In 960 my parents came again, and they where so pleased to see that we made it.I still see my Dad and husband working on little project in the basement. My Dad had a lot respect for my husband and there was love between my parents and my husband. It feels so good to have all those memories.Sunday was the day that I special tought of you Dad. Love you.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Pratsburg N.Y.
Yesterday I had a sentimental day. I had a outing with my husband Kodak Koffee Klatch in Pratsburg N.Y.They all where so happy to see me. There is a bond that came through the years of keeping in touch.When my husband was alive they met once a month after they retired. A couple of times a year their wife's where invited. So when my husband passed away I was made a honorary member. And they all are so nice. We had a nice picnic and day. Then when every one left Tim and I went to our old cabin. We where standing there for a while and he know what went on with me . Lots of great memories and special feelings. I saw our family there camping. The grandchildren helping planting the trees. Feeding the fish . I missed him there so much.I could see the cabin, we drove up to it. But there was only one road on the top of the land. No road going below the cabin and no road to the pond. There was a car, but we did not see anyone.It was a long drive home alone, my mind was full of thoughts. It was a great day, we have to go back sometimes, even if it is hard. This is life, and we get stronger trough what we experience.Walden was still there.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Fiddlers Picnic.
Yesterday I went the whole day to Long Point Park to see the Fiddlers. It was great.It started at 11 a.m. with the Flint Hill Folk.It is a group that includes Geneseo professor Jim Kimball on the fiddle, banjo and Ray Baumer of Chili on guitar and Pat Carey of Irondequoit on guitar and flute. They did a great job. It reminded me of my husbands group in the Netherlands.They played Canaal songs, patriotic songs, Stephen Foster songs Irish-American and Civil War songs. To me this was the best group. Other groups where Phil Banaszak with City Fiddle, The Chercroppers, Sunset Blue grass,The Fraterrigo Family,Fiddlesticks,Dick Jopson en the Northernaires, The WCJW, The Red Hot Trio, The Spair Tyme and the Kelly's Old Timers. It started at 11 a.m. and ended at 8.30 p.m. On the end they had some square Dances. A great day on a great summer day.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Helping Friends.
Today I made my daiyly call to my friend Mary. She has been having a hard time the last three years with battling ovarian cancer. But she looks forward to my visits and calls. Today we talked about our earlyer days. We both grew up with four brothers. We both where the second in the lineup. And if you live then here our in Europe the way off doing things where much the same. We both complained about helping your Mother and doing all the stuff for your brothers. Sis polish my shoes, our sis iron my shirt. They never helped me with the dishes. I was a girl and that was your job. Then I married my husband and he was different. He did not mind helping me, and also I did not mind helping him.Washing the car and mowing was most my job, because I did not have a job. I was a staying home Mom. And I have loved it. How we started to talk about this subject was, today Mary's husband and son did the mowing and it bothered her that she can not do it anymore. So I told her Mary you deserve it. Let them spoil you. And we have a big laugh about it. I do know a little how she feels, but not really.But we are here to help and care for one and other. Mary has like I two brothers still alive.But they are the younger once and do not remember what we do.One good thing do we have learned a lot.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A Hot Summer Day.
Today is not a good day.Temp. is in the 90's. And I do not like it.All you can do is to sit still. I did my wash and dryed it on my deck. My Groundhog came back. Two weeks ago David tryed to kill it. I kept looking for a sign but the whole stayed close. So yesterday I was mowing and saw all the dirt again. I did not like to use my basement door. The groundhog is right there. I do not want him in the house, that is why I am drying on my deck.Because it is so hot, it dryes fast. I was hoping no one showed up, because my panties where there to dry.This is not so strange for me. there. when we where in Alaska a few years back I hang them on the window of our room.We had a laugh about it. But now one was living where we where and I did it for the fun.It is nice to live in the country, 500 feet from the road .So come back on my groundhog does any one have a idea how to get rid of it? I would love to try to put some wood in there, but the pieces are to big for me to carry. This is what I hate from being old, you want to do something and your body says no. I do love my home, special when the little one"s come over and investigate your home.You gave a new generation some of yourself. I hope they will remember me some day. They are my Love.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009

When I was young we did not have a lot af toy's. In Holland in the thirty's there was also a depression. We did a lot of pretending.We had some marbles and made up games. We made in the hard dirt a hole the size of a cup and rounded it and made it smooth.Then we stood about 3 or 4 feet away from the hole and then trying to get the marbles in the hole. If you got 10 marbles in the hole you won.We also played jump rope. Alone our with more friends. A nice game was "Hinken". You draw a square of a foot size,then 2 more above it. Then two squares next to one a other above it. Above that a one square in the middle and then two above that.Then with a block of wood you hink, "what means hopping on one leg"the wood from one square to the other. If you touch the ground with the other leg you are out. How simple, but a lot of fun.You can play alone our with friends and take turns. We where also not as smart as the children now. Our parents kept a lot from us. If you ask a question and they did not know how to tell you, they said you will find out later. When you found out later you where to embarrasd to talk to them about it. I think it is so great to see parents open with their children.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
August 6 1922,
This is my husband Birthday and has a lot of good memories. When my daughters all where living home, this was our vacation weeks. We did then a lot of camping.What a good time we had. And special today I will think of you hon more then normal.On August 30 will be my memory day for my Dad. He also was verry special to me. He was born in 1901. Boy that sounds a long time ago, but believe me life passes fast, so hold on to it as much as you can.Hope that August 6 means a lot to more people. A great man and a great Dad.
Monday, July 27, 2009
A Summer day,
While I was mowing my land today I saw so many things I could write a book. The blades of grass were cut down, also some flowers. There was a snake crawling away from me. Then next to the pad I was cutting there where tall flowers smiling at me. They survived. White, blue, pink and jellow. Butterfly's flew from one flower to the other. The sun was shining on them and they where happy.The tree above me had some nuts growing on the branches. Squirrels are looking for them all over. Then they find a place to hide them for winter food. Also a Rabbit was running away from me.While I was mowing under the pine tree's,the pine cones clattered all over. I used to rake them before I mowed, but that gets harder and harder for me. But while I am mowing I forget all my aches and pains and enjoy the outdoors. I do think of people who can not enjoy the outdoors and do not know how to look at nature. There is os much to see. This morning a Deer and her baby's walked through my fields. Just looking at me if I do approved. Then they walked in to the woods where there are tree's for them to hide,There are a lot of tree's,in all shapes, There are not two the same.There are birds on the branches singing and enjoy there life. Nothing, and realy nothing makes you appreciate life more then the outdoors. Camping and campfires are also memorable. I remember many virgin fires. At our cabin ,or at Norm and Jeane's Campfires with our children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. To smell the fires and the fur trees together is the outdoors. Thanks for the great outdoors.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Boring Days.
Today is one of those days that you take a look back.Remember the things that kept you going all day.That was not today, I sat a lot and did a lot of thinking. What can I do? I made some phonecals and still was not happy. I wished so much that I could do what I like to do, but my body says no. The things I have to do I can. So mabey I should look at it this way. Be happy you can take care of yourself. Then I look back at my parents and grandparents, they had to slow down when they got older. My problem is I do not think I am old. Tell me, why do we not have any rules that tells you where you are in life.Looking at my greatgrandchildren they move any way they want. I had them both on the floor by me on a rug. So I went down and layed next to them. That was great, but then when I want to get up, I looked like a old lady.I have seen old ladys in my time. When I worked 38 years in the Cancer center. I had to help them to undress, and believe me that bodys changes trough the years.But our minds are still the same. I once was a girl that fell in love and had the whole world ahead of her. Where did those years go. In my mind my life is like a movie, and that runs faster every year.Even if some days are boring. life still goes fast. So I tell my self enjoy every day and make the best of it.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Yesterday I had my 2 granddaughters Kim and Kristy over for lunch. It was so nice to have the two over because Kristy lives now for a while in London and I do not see her often. It was so nice. It made me think back of my own Grandparents in the Netherlands. I was named after my Mothers Mother. Her name was Trijntje. I was close to her al her life. I stayed with her many times. She lived in a small town called "Een". Every one in town know her. She helped mothers delivering new babys and if they needed her she was there. Also in the town lived my Fathers sister. Her husband had a coal business, and my Aunt had a small store for sewing. When I was at my Grandmother I would walk over to my Aunt and she would give me some samples of material, and then later at my Grandmothers I would played store. I also played games with my Grandmother. I called her Beppe. This is the friesean name for Grandmother. Later years I would go over to her and help her with her work. It helped her and made me feel good. My Fathers parents, Fokke and Jantina where a little older. And as a teenager I would take the bike and visit them They where happy to see me. It would take me a little over a hour to see them. When I look back how simple life was then.Grandparents then our now are Grandparents. Grandchildren are now in many ways the same, but the influence of the world makes live more complicated. The simple times are gone. They all have more material things. It does not make them happier. Sometimes a little hardship makes you stronger.My teen age years where hard in World WarII. I rather not remember. But it makes you for the rest of your life more appreciate life. I do not wish that at all to my Grandchildren but stand still a moment and see where you are. Life can be great if you know how to look at it.
Monday, July 6, 2009
New York City July 4 2009.
In 1609 Henry Hudson from England, working for the Dutch to find a vaster way to go to the East Indies. He ended up in , what is now called New York. I went this weekend to New York and the Hudson Valley to celebrate the 400 years aniversary of Henry Hudson.Establishment of New Netherland [New York] was in 1623. The Dutch settlement on Manhatten was in 1626, Renselaarwyk was in 1929. And Beverwyk was in 1652.Then in 1664 Fort Orange, Beverwyk and Renselaarwyk renamed Albany. I was so proud of my heritage. The trip was exelent. In Albany we saw a show hosted by the new Miss New York 2009, Alyse Zwick. The main attraction was Yakov Smirnoff. A Rusian comedian, who became a American July 4 1986. He was telling stories about the first years in the U.S.A. He like me did not know any English It brought back a lot of the same feelings. He was funny and great. Also Daniel Rodriquez { the singing Police man] was there He was great, He also sang God bless America. What a voice. On the 4 the we first went to West Point. We had to be cleared first and then they showed us around. From there on the boat to New York. We where on the boat from noon until 10.30 at night and saw the Macy's Fire works. They had 6 barges of fire work and the best I ever saw. People united in song God Bless America. What a feeling. I am proud to be a American.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
For Lucy and Molly.

There once was a little girl called Mindy. She loved to play house. She did not have any toys. They lived in a small house and she helped her mother dusting. But when the work was done she sat on a chair in front of the window and looked outside. It was snowing a little. She saw the snowflakes dancing in the sky. She tryed to count them, but there where to many and she could count only to ten. She saw the snowflakes falling on top of one and other and they made a big pile. It kept growing and growing intill it was up to the window. Then it got eye's and nose and a smile on the face. Also a red scarf around the neck. You want to play with me the snowman said?Mindy nodded her head and said I have to ask my Mom. then she called out MOM,MOM.Mom grabbed her and said what is it Mindy? I want to play with the snowman outside she said. Mom said there is not a snowman it is not even snowing anymore. You fell asleep and where dreaming. But Mom said soon there will be more snow and we are going to make a snowman then. Thanks Mom, now I am going to make a house.She put four chairs together and put a big towel over it and pretended that was her house. She played all afternoon until Daddy came home, then she had to tell him all about the snowman and the house. What a great day she had.
Story and Picture by Granny '09
My Daughters.
I see you now grown up and full of love. Also I see you when you where small. To me you are still the same, even when you changed your name. I see you when a baby is near, and think back how wonderful you where. Memories are great and you can enjoy. The empty days are no more. Look around and what I see, a grown up, but still a baby for me.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Circle of love.
Live takes many turns. You think you have it all. But then somethings happens and you fall. Your left alone, he is gone. What shall I do, I feel so sad. I can not walk alone this pad. I need your love, I need your strength. The memories we made will help. They gave me strength and worthwhile living. A circle of love keeps on giving!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Love and shine.
I am here you clearly see me.I am alive bright and colorful. I look at you, sometime you see me. Most of the times you just walk by.My life is short, but wonderful.I make you happy when I arrive.Take good care of me I need your love, so I can shine till end of days. Flowers are like human lives. Hard work and Love and you will shine.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Tomorrow is Father day.That makes me go back to my Father. I still see me walking with my Dad, he holding my hand and showing me the road work he was working on. On the other side of him was my brother Gerrit He is three years younger then me. This picture stayed in my mind. Also being the only girl with four brothers I was special in my Fathers eyes Most girls pull to their Father.Later I saw how special my three girls where for my husband. He just loved them so. He was a special Dad. So from generation to generation we need Dads in our live. I see how my grand sons love their little ones.How they look up to their Daddy.The love of a Father gives every child security for the rest of their lives.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Poison by Dior.
Many years ago my favorite perfume was Poison. My husband surprise me with it one day and I loved it. Some years later my granddaughter Kim went to France as a exchange student. When she came back she brought me from Paris a bottle of Poison. The surprise was great, my husband had died ,but she did remember that. It was not the perfume,but the thought. This morning Kim called and said grandma can you meet us for lunch with several family members. I said I love to. Wellthe grandchildren and great grandchildren came and we went to sit down and in back of me some one called grandma and there was my granddaughter from London . What a surprise. I cryed from happiness. When we sat down she gave me a present and to my biggest surprise a other bottle of Poison. My grandchildren will not let me forget my husband.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Thankful for family
Yesterday was a day to be thankful for your family. Being aged and live alone a lot of things are getting harder for me to do. So one day my granddaughter made a plan to go to grandma's house on June 13 with the whole family and do the things she can not do. So at 9 a.m. the first ones arrived and started to scrape my outside of the deck ,two story's high. And before I knew every one was doing one thing our the other. Scraping, painting, spraying and little things like a lose toilet seat. Every thing got done. They also brought food. Home made soup my brother and his wife made. Ice cream cake, home made.Pasta and cold cuts. It was great.It also was the last day that my brother and wife where here , so a nice time to say our goodby's Now they are some where over the Atlantic Ocean.Thank you to all my family,they are the ones who keep us going. It is so great to see all the love I have in my family, and that we can teach the little ones what that means.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Grandma B x mas cookies.
Several in the family have told me they love my x mas cookies. Next Saterday my family is coming to my house to do some odd jobs that I can not do. So I decided to make my x mas cookies for a treat. And with that I tought let me put the recipe on the blog. So here it is. 1 cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp of milk,5 cups of flour, 1 and a half tsp cream of tarter,1 and a half tsp of soda,1 tsp vanilla,lemon our anise. 1 fourth tsp salt. Mix and chill. Bake 350 for 8-10 minutes. Frosting. Mix confection sugar with water until it is spreadable . Then frost the cookies and let dry, When hard and dry with food color paint a picture on the cookies and let dry again, Thats all. Good Luck Hopes you enjoy them for a long time.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
D Day June 6 , 65 years ago.
This morning I was glued to the T.V.,remembering the beginning of the end of W W II. I sat there and cryed my eye's out. Thousands of men died for my freedom. We did not know what was happening at Omaha Beach Normandy. We where not told anything. But to see this later and imagining what was going on, I can not tell you my feelings. Appriciation, respect and love, love for all those men who died. To most people it is just a ceremony, for me it is my life. Thanks, thank you all for giving you life. You will stay with me the rest of my life. After the war my husband and I visit you with all the white crosses in the Netherlands. This is what every American should visit if they are planning a trip to Europe. You get the feeling what a sacrifice it has been for our Country. Later in the U.S.A. I have met some widows, who's husbands are laying some place in Europe. While working at R.G.H. cancer center I met patient, men who where in W W II , and when they found out my history of the war they opened to me,because I did understand them. There family did not. It is easy to give your opinion about wars, but you do not know what wars are unless you have been there. Every soldier has lots of people who loved them, lets never forget that. I cry for you every memorial day p.s. Precident Obama's speech on Omaha beach Normandy was exellent today. June 6 2009.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Where is summer.
Every day I think it is going to be warmer and I am disapointed again. I have daily my heat on.How different one year is by the other. In 1991 we had summer in April and it never got cold again until the Fall. Lucky I have Portable this last year and it keeps me warm. It is a Eden PURE. And now I do not suffer anymore. When you get older this is very inportend. When I grew up in the Netherlands the summers where always cold and wet. So when it is different you do remember. I remember April 13 1945. That was the day our town was liberated by the Canadians. I was up all night and we sat on the sidewalks. It was hot. So it shows that weather can have a lot of memories
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
An American journey.
We just came back from a four day trip to Arizona with my daughter Evie and husband Jim. Also my brother and wife from the Netherlands. I had a great time. I love to be with a younger generation. It brings back memories when I was younger. This trip also brought back a two week trip out west I did 11 years ago. I went with Globus. The trip was called Parks and Canyons Spectacular. We flew to Las Vegas. The next day we went to see Hoover Dam.To see the Dam in the Canyons was breathtaking.Then to the Grand Canyon. We stayed there and had dinner overlooking the Canyons.I flew in the Canyon with a small plane.Great.Then the trip took us through the Painted desert to Lake Powell, there we had a cruise dinner. Next day Zion Park. We took the beautiful scenic drive on the Mount Carmel Highway. Next day Bryce Canyon.I walked down in the red canyon. There were red and white towers and hoodoos. What a beauty, And off to Salt Lake city. This is Mormons country. We saw "This is the Place" monument of the Mormons . We also went to the Mormon temple.Next to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The next day we went rafting on the Snake river, it was wild.Then off to the Old Faithful Lodge in Yellowstone Park, There we saw Bisons and Moose. Then we drove trough Deadwood on to Lead. South Dakota. In deadwood we made a stop at Wild Bill Hickoks grave. Then off the Mount Rushmore. Next Rapid City. From there to Cheyenne, Wyoming, and then to Denver. So from Las Vegas to Denver we drove about 2500 miles. So go back to the see some off it brought back many memories.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
60 Year Party
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Last night we had a anniversary party for one of my brothers and his wife. He is here from the Netherlands for some weeks and he invited my family for dinner. We had a good time. 50 years should be celebrated. But it also brings back all the anniversary's we celebrated in the Netherlands for my parents. Our first one was my parents 4o the. We took our three girl and had a good time. Then the 50 the and the best their 60the. The music from the town came and played in front of there house.My whole family where there, 4 brothers, wife,s and their children. It was fun to see them all together. My parents where married almost 63 years when wy Dad died 25 years ago.My own marriage lasted 44 and half year. Not long enough but a lot of good memories.
Monday, May 11, 2009
A bragging greatgrandmother.
I have to put this in my blog.What a joy to be a great grandmother. Every one should experience it. Yesterday on Mothersday our family got together. So did the 2 year and two month Lucy and Freddie two and a half month, I love him and he feels so good. But Lucy gets me every time I see her. She and my daughters dog Bonnie had a great time. To see her hugging and loving that animal was so wonderful to see. The dog enjoyed her and she was so gentle.Also Lucy took care of me. I was sitting nice in a nice rocking chair, rocking back and fort. Then Lucy said to me I like to sit in the rocker. I said where do I have to sit, she said on the bench. So I did. What else do you do tell her I am a old lady and I need to sit there? No way.I do every thing my children , grandchildren and great grandchildren tell me to do. This way there are no problems.Well then Lucy sat in the rocker with her doll and sang the whole song rocke my baby. I could have cried for joy. But I also know how I miss Molly. She is going to be two in Dec. and lives in Boston.I sure hope to have some good times with her. Mothers day is getting better every year. An to be able to put a stamp on your familys live is very importand to me.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Today is Mothersday and I am going to celebrate it with my family at my daughter Louise.I celebrate it with them, I tell them every year if it was not for you I would not be a Mother.You did not ask for it, so why do I have to be special at Mothersday?When you expect a child it is your responsibility to do the best for that child.It is a joy to be a Mother for most of us. So I like to think it as a Mother - child day. I wish every Mother that read my blog, have a happy day with your family.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Today is the day.
Yes today May 6 is the day we arrived in N.Y. It had been cold on the ocean and N.Y. temperature was 85. My little Nancy 6 months old had a knitted woll dress on. My husbands cousin met us at the port.My mother and father in law and there 2 children, Wilma 19 and Louis 14 went by car to Rochester. Dad , Nancy and I went by train. I do not remember to much about that trip, the only thing I remember was that my husband had to go to the bathroom and at that time the conductor came for our ticket and I did not know what he said our wanted. English was verboten in the war. All the books where burned and nothing then German was on the radio. So I could not speak one word of English, I remember walking with Nancy in Rochester streets and heard the kids talk, how cute but I could not understand.The first serious thinking of learning English came, when Nancy was about four years old and I took her to Nursery school and at the same time mothers got together. That was my beginning and I never stopped learning.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
60years!!! U.S.A.
What a wonderful evening you all made for me. It is something the rest of my life I will remember. And I hope you will to. Thank you, thank you all. How life takes it turns. All my experience here been positive, Great friends who helped me and gave me confidence that I could do anything. My family who understand me and knew that I had Dad with me last night. He is the one who gave me the inspiration to get you all together . There is so much I can write about my 60 years in the U.S.A.How we met our friends and what they have mend to us. My friends have different values of Dad then my kids have. But put it all together there was a lot of love last night. Thank you all again. Love Mom, Thea.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Today I went with Jim to Evie's concert.They presented TRIUMPHANT! Opera's Greatest Arias, Choruses and Overtures. Special guest artist was Canadian Soprano, Lisa Garant. It was excellent I have gone to Evie her concert all her live. She started when she was in fourth grade. I think I missed one when I went to see my Mom and Dad one year. Tonight the orchestra was profesional. I was very proud of Evie. After the concert we dropped Jim of and Evie and I went out for dinner. I feels great to be with your daughter and reminisce. We have a lot of good memories.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Next monday April 27 was my Mothers Birthday. She would have been 106. From child on this has been a important day for me, and it will be as long as I live.I loved my Mother all my life, but the feeling became stronger when I became a Mother. You can not tell anyone unless you have been there. You get that feeling of responsibility.And then the great love. I see it in my grandchildren. They will do anything for there children. That is the way life should be, but it is not always so. I do not understand some relationships. But going back to my Mother, I remember picking flowers for her and later when I was working bring her flowers our some food from the market. Later she told me that she missed that the most when I went to the U.S.A. She said boys are different, the little things that mean a lot they do not think about.So Mem I will think of you special on your special day.Still love you a lot. By the way my Mother died when she was almost 95 years old.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Pyama Party
Last night we had a belated Birthday party for Anna.Somehow Lucy wanted every one in pyamas,so when the party was over we all could go strait to bed. It all was cute and we had a good time. It also reminded me of earlier days. It was the summer of David graduation from high school. His father gave him a old red MUSTANG. for graduation. David promised me to take me out for a ride sometime. One night around 8.30 he called me and said are you ready for a ride. I said yes, but I was in my nightwear because the next morning I had to fly out to Los Vegas for a two week trip to see the National parks out west. So I was not going to dress up and David gave me the ride of my life.(in pyamas) Things and times like that makes lots of nice memories.
Monday, April 20, 2009
New Citizen.
Today I came on some old papers and found the date when we became citizen. For the record it is nice to have it on paper. The program reads. SEVENTY_FIFTH_DINNER in honor of NEW CITIZENS. Monday Evening, February 6,1956. The Council for Better Citizenship. ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE in cooperatie with the Federal,State,County and City Governments. Monroe County American Legion, Woman's Auxiliary, American Legion and the Gannett Newspapers. Arrangements by the NEW CITIZENS COMMITTEE. Presiding By Herbert L Gaylord,Jr.,Chairman.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Window Washing
Today, Sunday is a beautiful day to wash windows.And that is what I am going to do. It has been mayby close to a year when I did it the last time.If my Mother could hear that she would turn over in her grave. I was brought up to do windows once a week. Also polish the brass doorbell every week. Then the side walk had to be scrubbed. A routine that repeats every week. Well first my house is bigger, then I am on a hill and the back windows I need a ladder. Last year Kim helped me. Now I have a real long pole with a sponge and do what I can. When you get older you look at things different. Our needs are different. Also I think God made us lose a little eyesight when we age, so we do not see every thing. It is also not important.The most important is contact with family and friends. Give and receive Love.So I am going to do windows because I have nothing else to do today,but if a call comes in before I start I can change my plan. That is what you can do when you are elderly.Enjoy life.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Sunday 2009
What a day.!It started with the sun shining in the bedroom when I woke up. That really helps my mood. Got my pills for the day dressed and of to Dave and Anna. I was greeted by the two little girls. They look like twins, but Molly is about 10 months younger then Lucy. I brought them some stuff in a shoebox. I decorated the lid with different pictures I cut out of old cards. I had so much fun doing that. Al the time I was working on it I was thinking of the kids. I hope in the future the kids come to my house to teach them different things. I always have love arts and crafts. There are so many things you can make with little money,. I use to have a Girlscout troop for about 13 years. And if I may say myself it was one of the best troop in the neighborhood. Late I worked with seniors, teach them to knit. Make gloves and scarves for the Salvation Army. They gave them to the poor family's for Christmas.I love to help and teach. I have friends who do not read, our do any hand work and I do not understand what they do with there live. What a joy to read. I am now reading three books. The writer is Maggie Sefton, and the books are Knit One, Kill One, A deadly yarn and Needle to Death, I almost done with two books. It plays off in a knitting group becoming ditectives.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Today I went to the hospital for my pacemaker check. I got a pacemaker about four years ago and once a year the Surgeon has to check it. He said my pacemaker is working about 80%. So I realy need it.And he thinks I have about a other four years on this battery . I have a St. Jude pace maker.So I told my Dr. I am going to make the best of the help I get. So I am thinking of this summer. I know I am going for the 4the July to New York City. Fire works at the Hudson. But then this week my granddaughter said, David and I where talking that we would like to go camping this summer and anyone who would like to go can come. I said great. I love family and the outdoors, and when you can get that together I am all for it. Years ago we started to camp as a family because that was all we could effort. A friend lend us a great big tent and we went up North in to Canada.A car without aircondition and 85 Degree outside. Then three girls in the backseat. A trunk full and a box on top of the car and there we went. We had a Coleman lamp for light and out side a campfire for cooking. One pot meals. It was fun and this was our home for two week every summer. We where hooked. Then we bought a Cox popup camper. Boy we hit the Jackpot. We traveled to Main, Michigan and New york State. Untill The campgrounds changed, noise and dirty bahtrooms. So we started to look for some land and found 15 acres in Prattsburg N.Y.There we put our camper.After a while we started to think of putting up a one room cabin. Well that was a joy. A woodburning stove. No running water or light. But this was our home away from home.My husband and I spend lots of great times there. Sometime with family, our some good times with friends. Great memories, but the best times where when we where the two of us. We cut down trees for the woodstove, and we planted trees and made the land greener.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Easter or Pasen.
Eaters in the Netherlands is a two day event.What I heard when I was young that the Christian, the very strict could not do anything then go to church on Sunday Holiday. So they gave them a other day to have fun . Like biking.And even visiting other family members. All the religions in the Netherlands are two day. Christmas and Pinksteren [Pentecost] To any one who reads my blog, Happy Easter.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The terrible four.
I went out for lunch yesterday with my three daugters. This was my birthday present. Once a month out for lunch. And I enjoy it. It is great to see them together. But in confersation Louise said I have never heard you say the terrible four. So I better explain. Every summer when the four would come to our house for some days, we had a great time and I know the kids have a lot of found memories. One summer I think it was Jimmy and Kim wrote a poem for us . The Terrible Four, Right now Kim has the poem ,mabey some day I will post. But the four of them sang it to grandma and grandpa. It was funny.I always feel bad the four have so many memories, then later Jeff came and he did not have the same experience. He came five years after Kristy. And alone to your Grand parents is or was not as much fun. Now that I think back there are so many great things that happend. But I love them just as much now that they are 29, 30, 31 and 32. And Jeff is also grown up almost 25.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Love and Hate.
Love and hate I had both of them. But I can say now that my hate is gone. Hate comes in many ways. I have seen people so upset ,they hate the other politic party so much, that it consumes their life.And really they can not do much about it.Unless they get involved, then they would understand things better.I had my hate after World War II. I hated Hitler and all the Germans for all the suffering we went through. The hate stayed there for many years, until one year my husband and I took my mother on a Rhine trip in to Germany. There we confronted the normal Germans and then I knew that I should leave my hate there. And I did. Now I say I LOVE our DISLIKE something. I never forget but life is a lot easier with out hate.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Last night I had a great time with my granddaughter Kim. We had supper together and then I got some memories out . I have several boxes and book with al old stuff. From my wedding until now. I saved. Showing Kim things she made when she was little.Things they did when the terrible four where at our house.Jim,Kim,David and Kristy. What beautiful memories. I even had a cigar box with a cigar from my father inlaw. That cigar must be at least 50 years old. Wonder how that would smell if you smoked it.I have the newspaper clippings of my Mom and Dads 60 wedding anniversary.The dead notes of lots of people. Family. Fhoto's of my husband singing at concerts . The Ed Sulivan show and Ozie and Harriet show. A production that Kodak put on for there investors. It was so great to share a little of my life with Kim. Also she saw her mom in a basket when she was 6 months old arriving in New York city as a new immigrant. When you have a evening like that and you can share it with some one , it brings your whole life again in front of you and it is wonderful.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
How we met.
In 1944 we lived in Assen, Netherlands. One of my girl vriend was Geertje. She had a boyfriend named Henk Jacobs. One day my friend said my friends and two of his friends are givng a concert. It was in the afternoon, because we had to be of the road at 8 p.m. She asked if I wanted to go and I said I love to. So we went . The concert was wonderful. Three young men in early twenties played violin, guitar, banjo and more.Lots of folksongs. After the concert I asked Geertje if I could meet the main singer. He was blond and blue eyes. She aid she would find out.On sundays young people would go to Main street in the woods. Walk back and fort hoping to meet a boy our girl. Wel Geertje came with Henk and Roelof, Mans could not come he had to baby sit for his baby brother. And I said to Geertje that is not the one I want to meet. So a couple of weeks later we went to Henk house. His mother was a widow and very nice. So the friends got together. It was a nice afternoon. When I was leaving to get my bike the tire had come of. No innertire, just a piece of rubber with rope to hold it together. So Mans came out and put it together again and that was my first contact with my future husband.Pretty soon we where going out together. Then after a year I had it with him. Wrote a letter and told him I wanted to go in to nursing and want it done with him.Well what did Mans do he went to my mother and said he wanted to talk to me.Well we did and his behavior made me fall in love with him and from that day on it was great.On December 20 1946 we got engaged. We wanted to get married in 1947 but could not find a place to live. So we kept on looking . Then in 1948 his sister said you can have half of our little house. So on April 15 1948 we got married and moved in a one room and one bedroom place. We shared the kitchen. Small but we lived happy ever after.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Teenage years.
When I was 13 years old one day I was walking by the canal and on the other side of the canal I saw a horse rider and on it was a German soldier. That was for me the beginning of the war. I know in 1939 my Dad was called up for the service,but that did not click with me. After the Germans took over the Netherlands things changed. I hope throughthe blog Some memories will come back. Teenage years suppose to be fun. But I found out different.I was always afraid something would happen.And lot of it did. It was every night blackout. We had to be in the house before 8 o'clock p.m. I remember when I would go to my bedroom at night I would look under the bed if there was a firebomb.We heard that firebombs would fall on the roof of homes,so why would I look under the bed, I don't know. I was not smart enough I think. But when you are young your mind seems to go all directions. Times when they came to our house looking for my Dad our my older brother. By that time he was about 18, and hated the Germans for what they did to us. One year he helped with getting rid of all the milk from the farmers so the Germans could not use it.Finally he was picket up and put in jail. How awful that must have been for my parents. Most people that where picket up went to Germany and who knows what then.Finally they let him go and I still see my Mom running down the street when a neighbor told her your son is coming home. She had her apron on and slippers and she ran.Now I have children I know what it mend to her.The one thing I want to have come across is The worry we always had. For 5 years, my teen years. What the years did to my body.Also to my husband. He had polio after the war from complications of not having enough food.We both had our problems, but we would understand one a other. We lived it.I think this is why we where so close. People here do not understand what war is. Yes we read but you do not feel it. I remember when I worked in the cancer center and we would have a patient that has been in the war and he would find out that I was there to, they would open up. Tell me about there problems and how he felt. They said they never talked about it with their family because they do not understand. It is the same if you lose a partner and people say they understand. They do not unless they have been there. One thing I always understand there is never enough love that you can give to your family, friends our neighbors. And hold on to it, it will give you strength. I hope I do not rehash everything over and over,but I have learned a lot in my life and hope to pass a little on.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friends have always mend a lot to me.As a child we played outside with the neighborhood kids. My real good friend was Trijntje Nyholt. We stayed in touch trough all the years I have been gone. She passed away a few years ago. I was 22 years old when I came here, had a baby and before I knew a second and then a third So making friends was not that easey Those years my husband worked a Rochester Lincoln Bank.After five years he started to work at Kodak. Here we met some real nice people named Mike and Peg. They became my brother and sister trough the years.Then came Betty and Bill, Helen and Joe, Reggie and Dick. We all have been like a family. We traveled together, had our weddings, aneversaries, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. We where there for one and other.When Bill died we where there for Betty. Then Betty had a stroke and we were there for her.When I had my spinal fusion they all were my support.Then my husband died and Mike was there for me . A other couple we met in the beginning were Ruth and Warren. This was when we lived by No 11 school. They were the ones that introduced us to camping. We used there tent and we fell in love with the outdoors.Every year we went for two weeks camping. Then we met Norm and Jeane.They nought some land in Penn Yen area. Spend some good times with them and liked the idea of a piece of land. So we bought some land South of Naples. 15 acres.Great memories. Special to share it with grandchildren.Also our friends where there often. Through Norm and Jeane we met Joanne and Julius.And they became good friends. In honor off all my friends I have invited them for dinner at the Avon Inn on May 2 to celebrate my 60 years in the U.S.A.I also invited my children but they do not remember the early years. All my friends say they wanted to come, but some have a little problem with health. And I understand that. But I realy want to thank them for always being there for me. I love you all.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Today I went for the thirth time this month to a funeral. Al people my age and that makes you think.I also think a lot of my Dad. This month it has been 25 years that he died. My husband and I went to Holland early March 1984.My Dad has been sick for a while, but he waited for me to come home. He needed a transfusion and did not want to go. But I finally talked him in to it. Told him he would feel better. He did go and after his first unit we went home. In the middle of the night we had a phone call from the hospital that with the second unit he had a heart atack. When we came there he said to me I can not more. And I told him please Dad go I am here for Mom.And he died. At the funeral my husband spook and did a beautiful job. None of my brothers could do it. Later my Mom thank my husband and said will you please speak at my funeral. And he said he would. But he died before my Mother so I had to do it in honor of my husband. It was hard, here I had in front of a lot of people speak Dutch. Almost all the years I lived here i did not speak Dutch. But I think I did a good job. Later when I was home again I did get a beautiful letter from my Mom's doctor giving me a compliment. One big feeling happened with me when my Mom died, I am now the eldest and maby next to go. I know this is normal but no one wants that feeling. So I made up my mind age is a number and I am not going to get old.
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