There once was a little girl called Mindy. She loved to play house. She did not have any toys. They lived in a small house and she helped her mother dusting. But when the work was done she sat on a chair in front of the window and looked outside. It was snowing a little. She saw the snowflakes dancing in the sky. She tryed to count them, but there where to many and she could count only to ten. She saw the snowflakes falling on top of one and other and they made a big pile. It kept growing and growing intill it was up to the window. Then it got eye's and nose and a smile on the face. Also a red scarf around the neck. You want to play with me the snowman said?Mindy nodded her head and said I have to ask my Mom. then she called out MOM,MOM.Mom grabbed her and said what is it Mindy? I want to play with the snowman outside she said. Mom said there is not a snowman it is not even snowing anymore. You fell asleep and where dreaming. But Mom said soon there will be more snow and we are going to make a snowman then. Thanks Mom, now I am going to make a house.She put four chairs together and put a big towel over it and pretended that was her house. She played all afternoon until Daddy came home, then she had to tell him all about the snowman and the house. What a great day she had.
Story and Picture by Granny '09