A NEW YEAR is standing on our doorsteps.We all wonder what it is going to bring,Peace, Health and Happiness is what we are looking for. But we have to wait and do the best we know how. New Years day brings a lot of memories for me. We could not wait to get up in the morning and wish our parents Happy New Year, or Gelukkig Nieuw Yaar. If we got the first they had to pay us. This went on the whole day if we saw a friend or relations we try ed to get some money out of them.It was really for us a money making day, because you would have company all day. Uncles and Aunts would go from one to the other wishing and drinking. By the end of the day they all had a good time. Then the Mothers would have a nice meal what was called Stampot met snijbonen en worst.What was potatos, french cut beans and sausages.I bet that would taste good after the drinks.Here things are different, if you see some one you would say Happy New Year, but no traditions.I wish you all a Happy New Year. Peace on Earth and mostly Love.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
A new Year.
A NEW YEAR is standing on our doorsteps.We all wonder what it is going to bring,Peace, Health and Happiness is what we are looking for. But we have to wait and do the best we know how. New Years day brings a lot of memories for me. We could not wait to get up in the morning and wish our parents Happy New Year, or Gelukkig Nieuw Yaar. If we got the first they had to pay us. This went on the whole day if we saw a friend or relations we try ed to get some money out of them.It was really for us a money making day, because you would have company all day. Uncles and Aunts would go from one to the other wishing and drinking. By the end of the day they all had a good time. Then the Mothers would have a nice meal what was called Stampot met snijbonen en worst.What was potatos, french cut beans and sausages.I bet that would taste good after the drinks.Here things are different, if you see some one you would say Happy New Year, but no traditions.I wish you all a Happy New Year. Peace on Earth and mostly Love.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
A Special date for me.
My baby Louise is 57 years old today. I can not believe it that my children are Seniors.Happy Birthday Louise. I still see you as the little girl in your white high shoes walking around the table on your first Birthday.You where so cute.Hope you have a other good year coming.And my memories are getting more and more.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas 2011.
Our Christmas was with mixed emotions this year. Half the family could not get together because of illness. But the rest we had a great time. At least this year all the little one where fine.Memories are made again.It also brought some of my memories back. I remember going to candle light service with my Grandma,last night Kim went with me to candle light service and that was the greatest feeling. It was a beautiful service.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Last night we had a nice party at Dave's new home. A tradition to get the family together and enjoy the days before Christmas. The only problem was my car was inside and outside full of mud. But that can be washed away , memories stay.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Visit from Santa
Monday, December 12, 2011
Dave's House.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
A nice tradition.
Yesterday was our get together with my Daughters. We do it often, but December is our Dutch Holiday. Sinterklaas, or the Dutch Santa.We bring up lots of memories, with out taking one picture.But again with every thing we are doing we are making memories. I had a great day. Love you girls. Mom.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Visit from Grandchildren.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Today is Sinterklaas in the Netherlands.This has nothing to do with Christmas. This goes back I think to the 1500 or 1600. There was a great Bishop from Spain and he traveled North to be good to all the children.Also in the early years in Germany to express the Birth of Jesus they decorated the fur trees in Honor of the Birth. Then later in the U.S.A they combined the two. That has to do a lot with different people from different Country's. I do remember , when I was a child we set out on Dec. 5 or shoes for Sinterklaas to put in the gifts. A wooden shoe does not have a lot of room,so the gifts where small.Mostly candy. Then on Christmas we had a tree with real candles and only had them on at twilight. Then Christmas Eve you went to church. My founded memories are when I was with my Grandma in a small town. The church was small but cozy. A lighted tree, hot chocolate and we got a orange. Afterwards walking back to Grandma's home. Then I went up the ladder to sleep under the roof.What a peacefull time.That all happend when I was about 10 years old in 1937.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
I went to a great Concert this afternoon in one of the schools in our neighborhood.The Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra played a Holiday program. It was exelent. They played 12 pieces. Greensleeve, Holiday Overture, Russian Cristmas Music,Carol of the Bells, and more. It brings back the times I went with my husband to the Concerts. He was there with me and it gave a great feeling.Memories is what it's all about.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
A Other day in my life.
The day started great and early. I took a shower and then went down stairs to do the wash. Put the wash in the machine and started the water,a few minutes later it stopped.No water, also upstairs no water. Call was made to people who are working hard on their new house.I felt awfull, but who do I call, and I tought it is just turning a knob or what. Well Jim came over and looked at it and said you need a new tank. What do I know. He explained the water is pushed up by air and there is no more air, all water. So we went shopping for a new tank. 3 stores, but Loews had one.Then Jim went back to work with the two Daves. In the afternoon Jim and Uncle Dave came to put the tank in. When we came in the basement the whole floor was flooded. Well I cleaned the floor and the men put in the tank, and now thanks to two great men I have water. And there was my day that I did not planned.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Kristy and Nick are back.
Getting ready for dinner and the phone rang.Kim said I am outside your door. I said o.k. I open the garage.There she was, and her Dad and then the shock Kris came around the corner. So good to see her. The Christmas lights came on, the candles, and Kris put on my first Christmas music.Kim on my computer order stuff and then we had tea and crumpes. Poor Joe he had to listen to the woman talk. He finaly went in a other room by him self.But I had a great time, and the girls are so much fun.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
What a nice day, it started at 8 a.m and ended at 8 p.m.I went to Evie and Jim for breakfast and to Nan and Joe for the rest of the day. Lots of fun. Seeing and playing with the little ones from Boston is always a joy.Molly got all dressed up and is a sweet girl. Little Kate has to look you over first, but smiled later. She does not remember me.Then Kim picket me up to go to Joe and Nan. We sat out side for a couple of hours by a camp fire. That is for me always a treat.Later the special Turkey dinner and we all ate to much, it was great.We had so much fun, special Lucas gave us a show.I also talked with Kristy in London.She is looking forward to coming home next week. It will be great to see her.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Visitors from Boston.
This morning I was carving in my bathrobe when the door bell rang. O my god I am in my bathrobe at 10.30 in the morning and company. It was Jim and family. He got the kids out of the car and I got dressed. Molly wanted to see Beppe, and I am very pleased. I just had fineshed a little stool for her for Sinterklaas last night.Kate is growing and I put her on a quilt that her Oma had made. She was great and I got some big smiles from her.Jim went a while to the basement with Molly, so she could run. They also looked at my blackboard there with many signatures.Molly tryed on the Friese klompen, but she had out grown them.Great to have such a loving family.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Tonight I am going to my first Turkey dinner this year. The Seniors of our town are beeing treated for a dinner by the Rotary members.It made me think what does Thanksgiving realy mean to me. It use to be getting the family's together.Now I have a different feeling. Today I went with Evie to a craft show and later we did go out for lunch with a school friend of Jim. She was a nice person to talk with, and we talked about every thing. But the feeling I got it is not what you eat but the caring for others. It is so nice to talk to younger people and feel they did like it the way it was. Not electronic to get together, but caring. We are a world of instruments. What we miss is the touching,hugging and showing you care.Tell you family you love them, over and over again. Untill you great grand daughter says, You say that all the time. Great ,I hope it sticks.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The latest news.
Ihave been without a working computer for a while but thanks to my family I am back. We are a creature of habids and I missed my dayly routine. Look what is new with the family, the news and keeping in touch.We had a few acidents in the family. Richard cut of a piece of his tumb. I got last night attacked by Lucas.I was sitting down and Geneseo came to bring my computer back. I said to Lucas you want a cookie?Boy did he know that word . He jumped at me and scraped my arm open with his nails.It was pretty deep and bleeding. My arm hurts a little not from the cut but I think from the push.It has been a strange week. First I left my cane in a store. I left it in the cart.Then I could not find my statement from Social Security. Went to the bank and they had it on the computer that it was in. So why did you not put it on my statement. It was also a puzzle for them. Then finaly some one said where is your second page. Sure there it was. I felt so small, but beeing a creature of habbits. It was always on one page.So?I also have been doing a little of carving.My hands are so bad but it feels so good to do something with Art.Today I had my car serviced , new back brakes and they found a nice big mouse nest under the glove compartment.The manager told me to put some moth balls in the hood. So now I have mothballs in the car, in the garage and outside for snakes and mice.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
11-11-2011 Veterans Day
Today it is Veterans day. I have the flag out and my memories are going way back. I sit here thinking what it means, do people really get the feeling? I do and I have great appreciation for or men and women that help people from suffering. I know what it means to see a young man with a rifle in his hand looking for the bad men. In my case the Germans. I still can see the faces of the ones that freed us. Often wonder if they make it trough the war.I always hoped that with the end of WWII there would be peace. It did not, so we always need soldiers to defend us. But I thank all the soldiers for their service, because of you I had freedom most of my life.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
A blue day.
What does it mean a blue day. To me it means you want to do more but do not know how. Your mind is not happy and your body will not connect.To have after a days work a good feeling you did all that. I do not have that feeling any more. I do what I have to do and then SIT.Sit and think. Think of the past , the past with a lot of memories. How good life has been and all the love I got through the years.Thinking can be a healing of the mind.To write out the feelings and remember every thing can be healing.My Mother, what a good woman she was and how hard life had been for her. Special the WII years. How she kept us alive with hardly having anything.My Dad the hard working man he was. I still see him sitting in two chairs after dinner sound asleep. Now I see the grandchildren at that age.Working and working day after day, just to keep the family happy.I am glad to be reminded what I had and how it still makes me what I am. So a blue day is not so bad it makes me appreciate live more.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Varysburg N.Y.
We had a great Fall Foliage Excursion to Varysburg N.Y. today. Boy did we luck out.Beautiful weather and a great day. We arrived in Varysburg around 9.30 a.m. The sun was out and we stopped at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure. There we went on the trolley to the Safari. Well that was GREAT.There where sicilian burro,Dromedary Camel,oryx,Silka Deer,Wildebeest,Emu,Bison, Water Buffalo, Ostrich, Zebras and more. This was all on a 63 acre land. Also Water fowl in the pond.At the end of the ride we went there for a good lunch.Then we went to the High Sheldon Wind Farm. That was real interesting.Then we stopped at George's Maple Sugar House for tasting of Maple cream and sugar and found out how Maple syrup is processed.What a great day and the sun was keeping us comfortable.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Connect with old friends.
I took 3 of my friends to my old neighborhood today.We went for lunch to Crescent Beach. They had not been there in years. Also we met a dear friend and daughter in law there.Our friend Margaret moved this spring in with her Son and wife.After our lunch we went to see where they are living at Cranberry Lake. Real nice living for a 92 year old friend. On the way back I showed them where our old home stead was. It still looks the same.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
What a day.
Yes what a day. First Nancy called that Nick has been excepted by NASA . So they are coming back to the U.S.A.Great. Then I had my last visit with my eye surgeon and he was so pleased.Then this afternoon for 4 hours I went to my first class in College, studying computers. It was a exellent class. First learning about Browsers Floppy Disk ,Hard disk, well all the stuff I knew. But the way he present things makes more sense.Definitions of some common terms.Then we went to internet sites. The 4 hours where gone so fast. Our next class is on photo's. It felt so good to learn. Our teacher is Harold Strassner from Scotsville. He is the one that sets all the programs up for all the colleges in or area. We had 8 students in the classes.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Helping out.
I was order to bed rest last week and then you know you have family.At this moment Evie is cutting my grass.I am glad there it looks we have rain every day this coming week. Thank you all for helping and cheering me up.The visits and the help. The meals and special apple pie that David and Lucy made. They had picket the apples that afternoon. Louise you always know how to help me. Nan and Joe for all the add little jobs.Anna showing up with all my little ones. Jim for making a special meal for me. And Kim for being my Supervisor to keep things going. You know what I mean. And Evie always ready in emergency's.Thanks Henry for your smile and Freddy sorry about the frog.I would have cry ed also if the frog grabbed my nose. Thank you all for being my family.
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