Friday, October 28, 2011

A blue day.

What does it mean a blue day. To me it means you want to do more but do not know how. Your mind is not happy and your body will not connect.To have after a days work a good feeling you did all that. I do not have that feeling any more. I do what I have to do and then SIT.Sit and think. Think of the past , the past with a lot of memories. How good life has been and all the love I got through the years.Thinking can be a healing of the mind.To write out the feelings and remember every thing can be healing.My Mother, what a good woman she was and how hard life had been for her. Special the WII years. How she kept us alive with hardly having anything.My Dad the hard working man he was. I still see him sitting in two chairs after dinner sound asleep. Now I see the grandchildren at that age.Working and working day after day, just to keep the family happy.I am glad to be reminded what I had and how it still makes me what I am. So a blue day is not so bad it makes me appreciate live more.

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