Monday, April 5, 2010

Early Spring.

What a beautiful Easter day. We spent all day outside. No coats, bare feet and a lot of fun.My Nancy had us over for a beautiful Brunch. Great to see every one.Later after every one was gone we talked with Kris in England. Then Kim decided to go to Letchworth Park. That turned out to be the best. We saw trees sprouting out in front of us. Flowers where blooming and the birds where singing.The sight of the river was breath taking. Warm weather , and one side of the falls was covered with ice.Shining and beautiful.To see Letchworth at different times a year is amazing.Nancy also showed us a beautiful silk threat picture she had bought.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! We made the blog!! We had a lovely time at brunch. What a perfect day.
