Tuesday, March 29, 2011

War,war and war over again.

I have days that I am on pins and needles sitting watching the news. And I have done that a lot there I have not been feeling well and the only thing I did was sitting and watching. Then I start living with the people that are in the middle of a war. You have to been there to understand. No future and hell around you.Why, why and why is the world so sad. What can we do to make them understand what they are doing. A human live is just nothing. I am waiting for a new Great grand child to be born. What is her future?I know we can not do much about it,but here am I looking forward to a new birth. But all those people around the world have the same feelings. That is why they are fighting for, just a place with there family and be able to feed them.That is what it is all about.Love and family. But we have to work on both. It does not happens on less we work on it. But when you are in war you forget all about that . There is noting you can do and it makes you so, so sad.It is so horrible that it stays with you for ever.

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