Monday, May 23, 2011

Our History.

Today I was watching our President speaking in Dublin Ireland.He was talking about his great-great-great grand father who was born in Ireland. It made me think where we came from.Trijntje Blaauwbroek where did you come from. What is in me from my great grand parents. What makes me do what I am doing and did. Is there a connection.Last week I was talking to one of my daughters and said I have no regrets of my life.Why am I the way I am.I am not me, I am a follow up from what?Is there in my genes something that I do things the way I do?Can I help it or is this a plan greater then I know?I have habits and to talk to my brother he has the same. Who are we really. It is a mystery. Why do I love so many people. Why do my great grand children feel like my own.There must be more to it then say they are family. There is a feeling greater then I can express. So President Obama you made me think. We are all intertwined.But then again why is there so much hate?Is that a gene?If I could talk to my great grand parents would they have a answer?Looking back I had great grand parents from both side of my parents. One regret I wish I talked to them more maby That would have helped?So get your information as much of you can. Do not rush trough live for the material things. Think of what you want to find out.

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