Saturday, January 30, 2010

Normandy, T.L.C

I was looking for something good to see anT.V.Landed on a program Normandy and be on. That be on intriqued me, Because I once was the be on.I kept on looking and wonder if they ever show Holland. They did,The Americans, English and the Canadians moved in the the Netherlands fall of 1944.Half of the Country was liberated before the winter 1944-1945.We finally after a worst winter ever where liberated in April 1945. But looking back I remember in 1943-1944 a lot of people from Amsterdam and Rotterdam moved North to where I lived. The city's did not have any food, we had a little from what ever we could grow in our little yards.So in 1943 my husband best friend housed a lady from Rotterdam. She was a wealthy lady.So in December 1944 I was engaged and as a gift that lady gave me a beautiful dish. A cream colered dish ,etched and flowers inside with gold,I have always loved this dish and want to make sure who ever gets it later has the history of it, How old it was when she gave it to me, I do not know.On the back it has a crown and a big L under it. Then around it it said Oscar Schlegslmilch.And under that it said Handarbeit. That sounds like German., and it means handwork.If any one can clear it for me I would appreciate it.

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