Thursday, March 18, 2010


Someone in Holland found me.It is amazing how times have changed. My daughter got a letter from a person in Holland who was looking for a person that lived next door to her father when he grew up.It turned out to be me. She had found a picture of two children and it turned out to be my daughter Nancy and Evie on a Christmas card.I do remember that the son next door got married and that they got a baby. This baby is the person that contact me. Boy the world is small. She wants to know more of her father, but I do not have to many memories after that, because I left for the U.S.A. We must have kept in contact a while but trough the years we slip.It does feel good to go back in memories.


  1. Holy cow! Evie looks just like Lucy in that picture!!!

  2. I thought so too!! (Kim)
